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Book : Les cahiers de la préparation mentale n°3
Get access to resolutely pragmatic tools in Mental Preparation Workbook n°3, organized in progressive steps, which will accompany you on a daily basis as you prepare for all your challenges.
Derived from this method, "La Bible de la préparation mentale" has become the absolute reference in this field, with over 20,000 readers seduced since its publication in 2016. These "Practical Workbooks", organized according to essential and coherent themes within the new Mental Preparation Standards Method, enable you to choose the support that deals specifically with the mental aspects you wish to work on.
Data sheet
- Number of pages
- 96 pages
Detailled description
Oxygenate self-esteem Boost motivation and goals
The effectiveness of the Christian Target Method has been recognized in the world of sport for 30 years. Taught at university level, it has become an authoritative reference thanks to its close links with the latest scientific knowledge and practical experience in a wide range of sports. Its applications extend to all areas of life where performance and well-being are sought.
Authors :
Christian Target:
Because he draws on more than 50 years of experience, knowledge invented by renowned scientists, wonderful and unexpected encounters, and because he likes above all to formalize an idea, a strategy and making it concrete so that it can be passed on to others, because it's never
reasonable to innovate, and because "great ideas" are often born of improbable coincidences,
Christian Target is first and foremost a "defricteur" and a "passer d'idées". Christian Target was the first to speak of "mental performance", and to model it through a global approach to optimizing one's potential by integrating the vital notions of well-being and pleasure. His research into fluidity, mental training and coaching methodology continues to set the standard. Target's intuitive, innovative and structured method, strongly rooted in concrete reality, capitalizes on the essential knowledge and know-how currently available in the field of mental preparation, and augurs well for the rapid discovery of new territories in the field of the mind. Christian lives and works in Nice.
Ingrid Petitjean:
"If Ingrid and Christian exchange an object, they each leave with an object. If they exchange an idea, they each leave with two ideas." The process of pollinating ideas is triggered.
Méthode Target was born and thrives on this constant interaction, making it one of the most promising innovations in the world of mental performance. Ingrid Petitjean has long been a leading figure in top-level world and Olympic sailing. She joined Christian in 2009 when the Target Method approach and brand were structured. She is developing the certification program and the team of expert coaches M.T.. She works as a mental coach and trainer in sports, school, university and corporate environments. She is a lecturer at the University of Burgundy, where she trains mental coaches. Her rigor, diversity, creativity and openness to others make her one of the leading coaching professionals in the field of mental preparation. Ingrid lives and works in Marseille.