Soccer equipment and material specialist


VertiMax V8 - EX Large

Ref:  V8-EX

The new VertiMax V8 EX "Extended Range" training system is designed to help athletes maximize speed and sport-specific performance on the playing field. The V8 EX innovation extends off-platform training distances up to 60 feet (which is double the range offered by the original Vertimax V series models).

Kit includes: Waist harness belt (medium) + Hip flexor set (small)+ Ankle strap set + Palm strap set + Handle set + 360 belt (medium)

€5,590.00 Fixed Price

Delivery within 5 business days
20 m

V8 and V8 EX are functionally the same system. The difference is that the four upper V8 EX bands with which you can train off-platform are twice as long as the upper V8 bands. This means that on a V8 EX, an athlete can train 20 meters from the platform versus 10 meters on a V8 platform. This is a huge training advantage, and here's why.

The longer training distance offered by our V8 EX allows the athlete to reach much higher resistant training speeds. The ability to train at higher speeds with constant resistance will stimulate the athlete's neurological and muscular systems to work collectively. This will help develop more power output at higher speeds, which is commonly referred to as "speed strength". If you're looking to improve top speed, the V8 EX offers a significant advantage over the V8 due to higher resistant training speeds.

Sports performance equipment for all sports, including (but not limited to) basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, softball, tennis, soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, track and field, MMA, gymnastics and wrestling.

Our team is available to assist and advise you from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm. Feel free to contact us by phone at +33 (0)4 77 43 21 90 or by email at the following address:
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